08 July 2011


A year after graduation lots has happened but one thing still remains, I LOVE the company of my classmates. Getting together with people that share the same if not very similar career goals can be really refreshing, not to mention NOT having to explain what ASL is. These are some of the students who went through the hellish and heavenly experiences of the Interpreting program at NU. Through tears about our work as well as uncontrollable laughter about our RIDICULOUS work (Robert Frost, me on a horse... need i say more?) I am privileged to have studied with them. 

While the night was fun and we were missing a few. I would be omitting a big part of my heart if I didn't mention our Dear friend Andy who passed away this past fall. A year after graduating and having our lives carry on my heart still stops when I think about how he's not around. I miss his jokes, laughter, and sarcasm. I had a hard time time working afterwards, feeling selfish that we had both worked SO HARD for something and now he's not doing it. I'm still working through that. 

Andy you had the best NMMs because your eye gaze could mean, 
"OH NO he didn't!?"
"is she really wearing that?" 
love and miss you! 

1 comment:

  1. "I'm not afraid, I'll go I'm not afraid"

    I also struggle with interpreting, pursuing a career we all worked so hard for. Andy and interpreting went hand in hand or "claw 5 interlocking with claw 5" MATCH. Its hard, interpreting reminds me of a great friend lost in both a painful and pleasant way. We all shared so much. It was great to see you!

