25 July 2011

Birthday at the Ballpark

July 10th was my BIRTHDAY and the night before I got treated to a Nationals game (that they lost to the Rockies, LAME)  and then a night out on Barracks Row or more specifically Molly Malones. I am an Uber birthday nerd where NOTHING is ever too much and strongly believe in birthdays because they celebrate people. I always love sharing and celebrating my friends and family soooo that means yours is next Meg Tay (AUG 10th) and I may already be plotting. 

Hil, Tay, Heather, Kelly, et moi 
sister Hil and me 
Kelly and me 

 we walked... 

 took pics there, Heather, Kelly, Sam 

 more pics... 

 .... more 

 caught some connections being made... 

 took pics of creepy random older people... 

 which made Kelly shocked by their behavior 

 and even more perplexed by their dancing... 

all while signing or interpreting the whole night. 

Thanks to all my friends for making the NIGHT before my birthday fun and really allowing me to celebrate it for the FULL weekend! 

PS I already am not posting on time.... BLAH BLAH BLAH, working on catching up on it this week, so be aggressively checking if you care, and if you don't... uhhhhh thanks for checking just this once. 

look forward to the, 
Philly post 
possibly the first fashion post 
and the 
ATL and still alive to tell about it post 


  1. Looks like you had a fun birthday weekend! Happy belated birthday!
    Looking forward to the "I survived ATL" post...
